Monday, November 8, 2021

A walk to remember

The day was long and I was very tried. I have to travel a long distance to reach home. When I was about to hit the shutdown button, I just saw that small green light near his name. How could I hold myself without telling a hi... I typed Hi and there was not this instant reply. It was never an instant reply. I waited for sometime knowing that its getting late, but I liked to wait. He replied back with a hi and our conversation continued for few mins. I said I am leaving office. He asked, can you wait for another 30 mins? I just logged off from the VPN will check the mails and we both can go home. I know, I have to leave but I can never say a no to him. I immediately replied OK. 30 mins became 40mins, 40 mins became 50 mins  and then I spent that extra 1 hour with just his thoughts. He called up and asked me to wait downstairs. I walked there happily not even caring about that 1 hour wait. I was not angry at him instead I smiled when I looked into his eyes. I got into his bike. We left the office. 

He was known for his fast and furious drive and I had always loved it. Within sometime we reached the bypass road. There was no much traffic as it was already 9PM. He raised his speed and his bike was tearing the wind apart. Though it was not a nice climate the speed of his bike made the wind just blow into my ears. It felt really nice. In another 20 mins we would be reaching home. Then came this sudden halt I asked him what happened??? he asked me to get down his bike. I was like what?? Then I got down the bike and he said looks like the tyre got puntured. I didnt know what to do, I have to reach home. Its pitch dark and desserted. He got down and checked, but of no use we cant do anything about it. He tried to call a mechanic... he didnt pick up. Without knowing what to do, he asked can he stop a bus so that I can reach home. I said no, being with him felt more safer than travelling in the bus in that road. He again tried to call the mechanic but no point. The time was running. To my surprise I was not getting tensed I was not afraid I was not angry about anything. I just stood there trusting him completely. I know he wont let me down. Whatever happens he would always be there for me. Few bikes passed looking at us wierdly and it didnt bother me. After waiting for 15 mins without knowing what to do we just started walking. Not that kind of a walk where we both held hands together and walked slowly rubbing our shoulders in the moon light. It was that walk in that pitch black road where anyone could stop and assuault us where anything and everything was possible. But without thinking about any of these things I just felt happy, I just felt secured and safe with him. He was walking holding his bike. My triedness didnt bother me instead I felt sad because he had to push his bike and walk. He was sweating like anything. I wanted to wipe it out. After walking for sometime he again called the mechanic and thank god he picked up and asked for the location. We waited there for sometime but as he felt it was not safe for me, we again started walking. We walked a long distance. Except for the fact that he is pushing his bike I was feeling very happy being with him. 

We were about to reach a bridge and the mechanic arrived, so we stopped at the bridge and the mechanic started to fix the tyre. I just turned and started admiring the water running underneath, then he came and stood near me. I just turned and looked at his face he was sweating, I wiped it off with my hand and turned again to the water not able to look at his powerful eyes. He said, U look beautiful and I said I look the same as always. He said no, u look different. I asked, what difference he could see?? and he said, ur eyebrows have been done good this time. Oh god how could he observe so much at this point of time having pushed the vehicle for so long. I said, yes have done it in a different place. He said its good and said, I just love your long hair, except for the fact that u dont style it up nicely. I was like what??? u like my hair??? and he said, I just love it. He came closer and took my hand, it felt so warm so nice and he held it tight. My heart was thudding with the maximum speed that it could. He took my hand and kept on his chest and asked, can you feel my heart beat till it beats. I was shocked surprised elated and what not. Tears filled my eyes and he asked will you be mine??? and can I ever say a no to him?? I just nodded my head looking at his beautiful eyes. The bike was ready and he dropped me near my place. I waved my hand at him wanting to hold his hands forever. He said hey stop... can I ask u something?? My heart was pounding with so many questions what is he going to ask, a hug in that busy road a kiss amongst the crowd. He said, can u give me 100 bucks in case of an emergency I just gave whatever I had to the mechanic. I just smiled back and gave him money and walked back home. 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Change is inevitable

Change is inevitable, things around you change, you change, people around you change. Nothing is same as it was yesterday. To live life happily... live every moment at the best, if not the best atleast not by hurting yourself or others. 

If you are happy spread it. 
If your sad try to do things which can make you happy. 
If you are angry just close your eyes and don't utter a word. 

Create memories every moment. So that when you look back one day, you can smile at yourself :) 

1. Early morning realisation looking back at old memories, a timeless treasure. 
2. Not making it very sensitive, just a thought. 

Friday, October 29, 2021

Love... The magic of life

I always believe love is magical, it can change everything. The way you see the world, the good, the bad, the problem, the solution, the sky, the moon and it goes on.... Be in love and you will know how it feels. It gives you endless possibilities to love someone to accept someone and to forgive someone and to forget everything.

He was sitting on the swing trying to pull his socks up his beautiful feet... I had always wondered how beautiful his feet are... infact envyed at them. I went near him and pulled his ears and asked him... your wife is standing here in the balcony looking at you... waiting for you to say a bye, but you are just going like that without even caring to look up. He said, hey dad was there right and I asked, so what you can say a bye... He said no de... I cant kiss you like this right making a pout face like trying to kiss me. I blushed and took my hands of his ears and placed them on the sides of the swing trying to go close to him. I pulled his cheeks and went near him and moved away fast realising we are in the balcony. 

He wore his shoes and went down while I stood there watching his steps. I turned over and leaned over the balcony wall waiting to see him get in the car. He drove the car outside the gate and came to close the gate. He glanced me once with no much expression while I stood there trying to hide my smile. He closed the gate and went near the car, opened the car door and looked up at me I was standing there all blushing and smiling looking at him. We both tried to kiss in the air. Trying hard, so that no one notice us. He went inside the car and again came out after wearing the shades.... Omg he is so handsome. We kissed the air again and I stood there blushing and smiling. He got in the car while I stood there wondering how beautiful love is.... 

Till few months back life was not Iike this. All we had was hatred, arguments, dislikes, and grudges. But something was holding us together we dont know what it was. That small factor always held us together and we tried to be there for each other even if had fought or argued badly. And all it took was a sec... a nano sec... to forget and forgive and to start over again. And yes we are in love.. Wanting to live many more years together as we celebrate our 10 years of married life... 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Purple Tea Cups

It was a pleasant evening, he led me into that beautiful room. Not stuffed with many things, just a coir materess laid on the floor where we love to spend most of our time. A small double door brown cupboard in one corner and a computer table on the other side of the room. He kissed me on my forehead and said, hey dear I got a surprise for you. I smiled back at him... surprises are no more surprising as he is known for surprising me always. He asked me to relax while he headed to the kitchen. I sat on the bed recollecting those precious moments that we spent together here. 

In 5 mins I knew what is he doing... that smell and aroma... when he prepares it for me. I love tea for many reasons... The first thing I would wake up to in the morning is, my mom's cup of tea. I sit down with my sleepy eyes and sip on the hot tea slowly simulating all the nerves of my body making me feel refreshed. There he came holding them, one in each hand. He came and sat next to me handing me the cup and wishpered, for you baby. I held that purple cup with my favorite tea prepared by him. Hey what is this new cup? I asked him. Dear I bought this for us. I just loved the colour and thought I will buy a pair for us. We sat there  sipping on our purple tea cups. The best tea I ever had till now... I dont know what he adds in it. To be honest I love his tea over mom's tea. 

Now both of you are not there in my life. And I dont know how to make that perfect tea. May be you both had made it more special with your love which I would miss forever. 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Lets love our loved ones :)

         It was 5 in the evening and Rina jumped off her bed by the startling sound of her cell phone. She pressed the exit button and went to wash her face then she rushed to the bedroom and started to press the beautiful peacock colour salwar, which was Kishore’s gift for her birthday. As she started to work on the curls of her salwar, her thoughts went back to her birthday they celebrated together 3 months back.
        The sun was slowly rising up when it was still 5:30 am in the morning. Kishore woke up and kissed on her forehead and wished her Happy Birthday. He then revelead the surprise plan for her birthday. She was so excited to visit that place she had always fascinated about. Spending sometime at the beautiful villa south of Chennai was her dream since teenage. She hurried to the bathroom to get ready for the outing, when he grabbed her and gave the birthday present, the peacock colour salwar kammez, which even won her a lot of vote for the most elegant gal in the Helwet account.
        The clock stuck 5:30 and she hurried to the bathroom again collecting all the beautiful memories of the day and night, which she had spent with Kishore. They were the newly married couple in that area and everyone in that colony had an eye on this perfect matching couple. It was an arranged marriage but they were just made for each other. They both tried to understand each other and had a very nice time. Kishore used to come home at sharp 6:30 in the evening. Until then Rina will wait and they both will make their tea and have it at the small garden, set up in the bedroom balcony. Sharing all the gossips, stories from office was fun between them.
        Rina worked in a software company 10 kms away from Kishore’s office. Sometimes Rina has to go in shift. Due to lot of adjustments between them, they never found it difficult. Kishore used to come home and drop Rina at office and will pick her up in the morning. She never traveled by the local train then. Even at office, whenever they had breaks they both gave company to each other through phone calls and sms. Kishore found it very easy to manage with work. The thought of going home made him work fast. Same with Rina, where her teammates found it difficult to solve the issues she always solved it with a great spirit and also to avoid staying late at office.
        6 months passed by and it was 6:30 in the evening. But Kishore started coming late for the past 15 days. It was very difficult for Rina to travel to office in the local train. Not because of the long journey but of the lonely area surrounding the railway station. Even at 7 in the night it looks very deserted. She once discussed this with Kishore but he advised her to be brave. He told her, nothing would happen to her and many ladies travel like this and she has to get confidence and be bold.
        All the happy days started to fade out. Things were not the same as it was 6 months back. They became as usual. Returning back home didn’t give excitement to Kishore. Rina tried to stay back at office during her shift so that she can catch the train when there is enough daylight. The long hour break was starting to shrink. The 25 mins of conversation was now cut in 20 secs. Rina felt bit difficult to go through these things. But she tried a lot. She knows Kishore’s love for her; it is just a matter of time.
        She walked along the lonely corridor. Unusually it was very dark and she felt very afraid. She pressed the speed dial button and Kishore cut the call. She tried to be bold and started to walk fast. The station was as usual deserted, with only few men walking here and there. She pressed the re-dial button, the call went on but he didn’t attend it. She reached the counter and got the ticket to her office. She then walked to the platform and sat on the chair. There were four people on the platform. She then dialed his number again. The ring went and then stopped. There was a message in her inbox “in meeting, call u later”. She tried to consoled herself. There was just 10 mins for the train to arrive. Just 10 mins she have to pass in that hell station. Then things would be normal until tomorrow evening. However, her heart started to beat faster. Trying to keep her thoughts off the dangerous imagination,  she started to fiddle around with her mobile. She opened her saved messages; the first msg was from Kishore. After their marriage when Rina used to call Kishore, he always picked up the call in 2 rings this was the first time he didn’t attend the call but there was a sweet msg from him “honey… me in a meeting call u later… missing u baby.. Take care” tears started to roll down her cheeks.
        In the far, she heard the sound of the arriving train, she wiped her tears and stood up from the chair. Just then she noticed five men walking towards her. She started to walk in the opposite direction. She attempted to call Kishore again. There were two rings and he attended the call, but she was not able to talk clearly. All he could hear was the sound of the running train and it started to fade off. He cut the call thinking that she is out of range. He decided to call her once he reached home.
        It was 10:00 in the night when Kishore reached home. The day was hectic for him and he was completely exhausted. He dialed Rina’s number and the number was not reachable. He tried again and again and in the meanwhile he slept off without his knowledge. He woke up around 4 in the morning and realized that he had not called her. He dialed her number again but it was still not reachable. He got panicked and dialed her office number. Sneha attended the call and told him that Rina have not come to office yesterday. He was shocked, frightened, and worried. He dialed Rina’s close friend but it was of no use.
        At around 4:45 he went to the near by police station. The police shouted at Kishore for being so careless. They tired to trace down Rina’s mobile number. The last signal went to the near by railway station. They all rushed to the railway station. The police went in search to find some evidence. At last, they found a broken mobile phone along the sides of the track. The policemen tried to follow the scent of Rina, it led them to an empty road. And they were not able to identify anything.
        Around 6:30 the policemen asked Kishore to leave home and told him that they would inform him in-case they receive any information. Kishore went home and sat on the sofa inside the deserted house. All around the house Rina’s memories disturbed him a lot. He cursed himself for ignoring her call yesterday night; if only he had taken it seriously he could have informed the police earlier. Now he was very afraid of the thought of Rina missing.
        He tried to be positive but the fading voice of Rina around the running train made him think of the worst options. He tried to ignore and think of some useful options, but it was not possible. Around 8 in the morning a police constable arrived at Kishore’s house and asked him to come to the near by grave yard across the old railway lane. Kishore begged the constable to tell him what had happened. But the policemen didn’t open his mouth.
        They reached the graveyard to find Rina lying half naked near a stony platform. Her dupatta was tied around her neck and her mouth and it had cut her throat. There was blood clot all over body. Her dress has been torn into pieces. Kishore asked the police men to call the ambulance but the policemen told kishore that it is of no use. He declared that Rina is dead. Kishore was shattered into pieces. A gal who had married him, who had trusted him and became a better half of him, is now no more. The thought of ignoring the phone call killed Kishore like anything.
        The policemen took Rina’s dead body to postmortem. Where she was declared dead by the doctors due to a gang rape. She died due to the severe blood loss and chocking due to the cut on her throat.
        There was a day few decades ago when a phone call matters a lot. I still remember the days when I used to wait in the queue to attend my parents phone call when I was in the hostel. We gave so much importance to people when they call. But now a days because of low call rates, we talk for hours and sometimes we don't even know what to talk but we will be still on the call. So I felt like the importance of the phone call have reduced. Sometimes we ignore the calls of our beloved ones because we are too busy and forget to call back. How much ever we earn, earn good name the happiness can last long only when we have our loved ones around us. So lets try to give importance to them. These are few reasons which made me write this story. I didn't intend to point that love starts to fade out after marriage ( Although I guess it is partially true) . The intention of the story is purely to give importance to our loved ones. We should give importance to their calls, their feelings. Sorry if the story have hurted ur feelings. 

Lets love our loved ones :)
Bottom of Form

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Platform No 1

          Platform No 1 was almost empty… very few people were loitering around. Eshu climbed up the stairs with a big travel bag. The day was fast the sudden announcement of the holiday didn’t give her time to book the ticket; she was cursing the authorities for the same. When her inner mind was calculating the probability of getting a single seat in the general compartment. Suddenly she heard Priya asking her something.

Priya: hey de did you checked the platform no in which the West coast express would arrive.
Eshu: Hmm why to check default it will arrive in platform No 1.

          They reached the platform and started walking towards the end of the platform while Priya filled her hand bag with all those magazines, snacks, chocolate bars. Eshu was too tired by that the long walk carrying her luggage from the hostel to the bus stand, standing in the bus for around one whole hour to reach the junction. She was barely able to walk, but she walked fast to reach the compartment to get seats for both of them. She didn’t notice anything coming on her way while Priya kept commenting on few couples sitting on the platform seat and exchanging looks at each other. Eshu didn’t care much she asked Priya to walk fast.

          Suddenly she felt a gush of adrenaline running all over her body, her hand chilled, her heart started beating fast, in a fraction of second her entire body turned very cold as though she suddenly jumped into the artic circle. She was not able to believe what she was seeing. She opened her eyes wide to realize if she is dreaming. Yes it was him. She can identify him in a group of hundred thousand people. Her nerves tightened her vocal chord crashed she could barely utter a word. Her face turned pink. Yes it was him whom she had admired all these days. Her inner self have already started pressing her to go and talk to him. But how could she? Although she sees him daily walking, talking, arguing among his mates she had never spoken to him before. She cursed herself many times for not talking to him before. She was afraid; she doesn’t know how he would react. He is not a man of that type who gives importance to gals.

          When she neared compartment no 13 she stopped. How can she walk crossing him without trying to talk to him? Her legs refused to move. Suddenly Priya shouted and waved her hand to someone. Eshu moved a few steps to check who it is. It is Vijay Priya’s classmate. He got down from the compartment. Hey Eshh you know Vijay rite?? Asked Priya. Hmm yes de I know him. Vijay introduced Priya to Rajeev. And turned to Eshu asking if she needs an intro to Rajeev. Eshu felt like hitting him hard for his sarcastic question. It should be Priya who would have told him about that. Rajeev smiled at Eshu. Soon they three started conversing pulling each other’s legs. Eshu was alone fighting with her emotions she patiently pretended as if she is listening to their conversation. Soon Priya and Vijay started talking about the happenings in their class. Rajeev felt that Eshu is uncomfortable. He initiated the conversation

Rajeev: So where do u stay in Chennai.
Eshu: Ashok Nagar
Rajeev: Hey that’s so close to my house.
Eshu: oh is it? That’s great.
Rajeev: Then how about ur family?
Eshu: …
Rajeev: ….

          The conversation went on for a while and Eshu reminded that Rajeev had won a interlevel college competition few weeks back. Her heart forced her to congratulate him. But she was hesitant… But her inner self forced her…

Eshu: Hey I totally forgot about this,
Rajeev: About what??
Eshu: U won the inter-level competition recently rite???
Rajeev: Oh that one ah… hmm yeah…
Eshu: Congratulation for that.

         She took her soft gentle hand and held it in front of Rajeev. Rajeev gave his hands and she congratulated him. She almost free zed… dreams crossing horizon... She felt like holding it for her lifetime. But she was confused what type of feeling it is…. Is that just because of her age… or is this called as love??? Infatuation??? Just a attraction??? She was confused but didn’t show it in her face and smiled at him. Priya interrupted their conversation saying hey no plans of catching a seat or what???… Eshu then told a bye to him and walked with lot of thoughts running in her mind… butterflies flying in the stomach. Her hand was still cold... She got into the ladies compartment and got a window seat to fight with her dreams…

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

for u my love

Oh my love this is nothing but a part of me sorry part of us :)